Building Dignity and Respect
Standards Council (BDC)
BDC’s mission is to advance the human rights of the workers that are building our communities.
The BDR Program – which is rooted in the Building Dignity and Respect Code of Conduct (“BDR Code” or “Code”) – is designed to encourage and support fair and dignified workplaces characterized by mutual respect, open communication, and efficient conflict resolution. Based on their experiences, workers in the Twin Cities and their allies developed the BDR Code to ensure compliance with minimum legal standards in the construction industry, which is currently rife with abuses such as rampant wage theft and, in extreme cases, even forced labor.
In the BDR Program, developers agree to require contractor compliance with the Code. Compliance is achieved and maintained through rigorous independent monitoring by the Building Dignity and Respect Standards Council (“BDC”), the non-profit that oversees the program. Everyone benefits from the level playing field that results when workplace standards are made real throughout the entire industry.